The ESIS Buyer Module
ESIS' Buyer Module is an additional tool to enhance supply chain efficiencies for companies that are using ESIS' Harmony Order Management System. Designed to maximize communication between hub companies (buyers) and their suppliers, this innovative system tracks the status of parts from suppliers via purchase orders, change orders and other procurement documentation online.
The Buyer Module greatly benefits hub companies by allowing them to see the same data in real time on the computer screen that their suppliers are seeing- promise dates, part names and numbers, quantities, and other vital information.
As a result, buyers gain major advantages, including:
- Savings of thousands of dollars and countless hours to create an in-house version of this system or attempt interface to a legacy system.
- More savings of time and money on telephone calls to suppliers. All the required data is available immediately on screen.
- A detailed picture of all E-Commerce activities and transactions with ALL suppliers
- An instant alert to problem areas and the chance to solve them quickly
Buyer and supplier interact using a collaborative database -- shared information on orders and order status. Buyer sends supplier planning schedules, purchase orders and change orders, payment and receiving information. The supplier then keys in response data and/or sends an "acknowledge as is" reply to orders, change orders, planning schedules and ship notices. As a bonus, the buyer's purchasing system may also be updated by data files sent to the host system.
Buyer Actions May Include:
- Viewing all orders for all suppliers associated with a particular buyer or all buyers
- Viewing acknowledgment "exceptions" from the supplier on orders/change orders
- Viewing promise dates/exceptions on either planning schedules or order status inquiries
- Viewing the "status" of an order based on data fed by the purchasing/receiving system and supplier input. This allows the buyer to:
- See quantity ordered and received from the existing purchasing system and
- Integrate that information on the screen with the supplier's input about orders/quantities shipped and quantity promised for specific dates.
- See a new set of status information. As the buyer's system "refreshes" each time, both buyer and supplier see the new information.
- In addition, custom features may be added to let buyers respond to supplier input, e.g., to create PO's from bids
Supplier Input May Include:
- Purchase order acknowledgment data (accepted, exceptions)
- Shipping information
- Invoicing information
- Bids
The Common Database May Include:
- Planning schedule information, including quantity received to date and the supplier's last promise date
- Receipt information, including receiving advice transactions with items rejected, etc.
- Payment information
- Orders and change orders
- Requests for schedule updates
Data From Supplier May Include:
- Shipment information
- Acknowledgment information
- Responses to schedule requests
As with all ESIS' offerings, with the Buyer Module, the definition phase determines such issues as:
- Specific data fields required for your business process
- Exception conditions
- Specific data and format that you need back from the system
Soon after using the Buyer Module, you will discover how significantly this system contributes to your company's productivity and efficiency. These, in turn, lead to increased business opportunities and ultimately more growth. That is why the Buyer Module is such a powerful tool in supply chain management.